Thursday, November 18, 2004


Okay faithful readers (hey, I can hope I have more than one right) I'm off across the pond to a place where they have real dissenting parties and a WIDE range of political discussion, from the almost facist right-wing to the (dare I say it) communists. While I'm in London, I'll be reading the multiple (as in more than three) daily papers. They give just about every point of view imaginable...........imagine that...........information...................FROM ALL(and I don't mean both) SIDES?!!!! Some tell me, why did I move back home to be surrounded by the complacently ignorant? No, seriously, someone tell me, why did I do it?

Still to come: Why I would take Bill Clinton in the Oval Office with his pants down over George and his cronies in there actually working.

P.S. Conservatives, don't worry, I won't be gone long..............and in the words of a famous Republican; I'll be back (place robotic Austrian accent here).

Monday, November 15, 2004

Real Patriots

Real patriots defend the truth, especially when their country is in the wrong. The last time I looked at my history books, the founding fathers were for the rights of the individual, not for the unchecked power of government. From where I'm standing, the so-called leaders in Washington are more akin to the Nazis than they are to those wise men of 1776 and 1787.

Stand up for what is right, not for what is expedient. Stand up for the truth, not for just what is believable to the unread. Stand up in the shoes of the true patriot (looking to the best in his country), not in the shoes of the fear-monger, seeking to solidify his power with your fear.

Declaration of War

Article I, Sction 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;...............To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water.

Now, as I read that, only Congress can declare war. Did I miss something while I was overseas? Did the Congress of the United States declare war on someone? So why am I hearing from conservatives that the reason for the "Patriot" Act is that we're at war? Was there part of the Constitution that I didn't learn in school; that section on secret declarations?

I wouldn't dream of making my declaration in private. That would be the cowards way out. And I won't reinvent the wheel in my declaration either, so here goes:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people (person; I can't speak for the rest of you sheeple) to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

I hereby declare my just and open separation from the idiot herd known as the American populace. Don't get my wrong, I'm not separating myself from the United States, only from that idiot majority that amazingly re-elect His Royal Stupidity George II (sometimes known as Bush). I am declaring war on the same. I guess you could call it a war on Creeping Ineptitude and Stupidity. From this point forward, just so the entire world knows, the chief commander in stupidity does not speak for me. I will show him no fealty, no loyalty or respect. Henceforth (at least for the next four years) I will see the office of President of the United States as a vacant post. Those waiting for competent leadership may rally around my flag. Join my corps of vocal resistors. Sharpen your pencils, buy your paper and pay your internet service bills. We are now at war.

Become an enemy combatant!!

Thursday, November 11, 2004

I'm an Enemy Combatant

Okay America, where is the outrage?!! Your newly elected chief idiot has nominated his buddy for the post of Attorney General. This is the same guy that gave him the advice that torturing under some circumstances was LEGAL. This is the same guy that said that some American citizens can be held without charges, without council, without a chance for bail, and all you have to do is label them as an enemy combatant. Now the last time I looked, a combatant is someone that actually picks up a gun (or some other implement of war) and uses it. But according to the advice of Mr. Gonzales, you can be termed a combatant if you vocally agree with or give advice to someone that the the President's Justice Department has termed an enemy. Guess what people, wake up. I'm an enemy combatant, my words are my weapons!!! So America, where is your outrage. You're about to be scrutinized by someone that believes that your rights can be totally dismissed in the face of their so-called War on Terrorism. (Aren't we still fighting the "War on Drugs" after 20 years? Are you willing to give up your rights and let Bush's storm troopers hide in your closet for that long?)

P.S. For you right-wing zealots out there, the line about me being an enemy combatant is called sarcasm................If you don't know what that means, look it up in the dictionary. If you don't know what that is, its a book, YOU, being the right-wing religious wackos that you are, usually burn them, those of us with brains can usually be found reading them......go figure.

Yes, I know this is short, but I'm building up enough rage to rant on the Patriot Act, something else that you can lay at the feet of Bush and his Gestapo Department of NON-Justice.

Monday, November 08, 2004


Once again the ignorant, blind, illiterate rabble has spoken. According to the exit polls, the American herd decided that it all came down to "morality." Morality? So what you're telling me is that whether Steve and Michael have a piece of paper from the state giving them the benefits of a married couple is more important than whether the President of the United States and his henchmen, with malice aforethought, dragged this country into an unjust war against a country which had not attacked us, threatened us or mistreated any of our citizens. Come on, weapons of mass destruction, give me a break. If that's going to be the new reason for invading countries, shouldn't Israel have been first? This president gives new meaning to the word immoral.

It amazes me that they have linked support for this idiot to whether someone is patriotic or not. Aren't you tired of seeing metallic ribbons on the back of cars, (we support our troops AND our president). Give me a damn break!!! What does supporting those poor bastards who were thrown into another war with no exit strategy have to with supporting the ignoramus occupying the White House. Nothing as far as I can see. Because I support our troops I voted to remove that enemy to world peace from the body politic. If morality was going to be the gauge we should be preparing for the presidency of John (F-ing)Kerry. Do I want a president who is worried about the potential life of a stem cell, or one that cares about the lives of the millions with Parkinson' disease. Do I want a president who is worried about the imagined threat of Sadaam Hussein, or one who is worried about the real threat of North Korea who sold Sadaam the weapons in the first place (we won't talk about who made sure that they could afford them throughout the entire decade of the 80's). Do I want a president who cannot admit he makes a mistake or do I want one that reassesses his actions, finds the mistakes and corrects them.

If you were one of the fifty-two million plus who voted for Kerry, do NOT go gentle into that good night. We paid the price to bitch and moan. We paid the price of voting, so we can hold these idiots feet to the fire. Push every new revelation of dishonesty into the faces of the idiots that returned this fool to office. No weapons of mass destruction, no real democracy in Iraq (given half a chance they would become another Islamic state just like Iran), and no pull out of American troops in the foreseeable future, since the criteria is peace before pull out.

Bush and his ilk subscribe to the "Rule of Steel", might makes right. What a dangerous philosophy when you're the most powerful bully on the block. Is this the country that stands for right? Is this the country who is to be the shinging light of democracy and freedom? Does this president and the policies he spreads around the world represent you? Do you support the patriarchal, 19th century view that the United States alone should decide whats right for other countries, who should get freedom and democracy and when?

I know that most of the American herd wouldn't know an issue if it stood in front of them and danced the Lambada. This is the reason for, "I voted based on morality." A better answer would have been, "I don't know why in the hell i voted for the idiot, but I listened to the commercials and they sounded nice." I only hope that I can calm down when I'm thousands of miles away next year. Given a moment or two, I might calm down enough to find the humor in all this. But I don't think it will be tomorrow or the next day.