Sunday, September 05, 2004

The Reason for the Vitriol

Let us get one thing straight from the very beginning. I find my opinions very logical and cannot see why other people cannot deal with a linear thought process. I have come to the absolutely logical conclusion that Rush Limbaugh is right about ninety-five percent of the American people, but he gives the idiots of America more credit than I. (Do not get me wrong, that is the only thing on which he and I agree. I count him as the king of the idiots.) After forty years of consideration, it is my not so humble opinion, that the vast majority of the American people are incurably stupid. (It is no wonder that American students cannot find themselves on a world map without the lines, stupidity begets stupidity.) This inane "dumbness" is the reason that no one in their right mind would run for office in the media-driven elections that we have in the United States today.

The only things that the American public can digest are the thirty-second sound bytes aimed at the lowest common denominator in society. The herd of cattle passing itself off as the American public cannot understand any person with real ideas. Thus, we are left with demagogues and their staid platitudes. So every four years we are asked to choose between the lesser of two (sometimes three) party puppets. All this leaves us is a country of idiots, governed by a bureaucracy of idiots.

It amazes me that the people of the United States have achieved the highest level of economic, political, and military power in the civilized world. The only thing that I can attribute it to be is the "Forrest Gump Effect," either that, or someone mistranslated the sermon on the mount, and what it should have said is that the "stupid" shall inherit the earth. Now that would start to explain everything. (Amazingly enough, in my travels around the world, I have not found that much intelligent life anywhere else.)

This page is going to be my way of venting the frustration that five percent of us feel twenty-four hours a day. So the plan is to put my frustrations into words, send them out into the cyberspace, and hope that there are kindred spirits out there that understand the call to join in the struggle to reeducate Americans to their civic duty to shrug off their ignorance and join us on the barricades against the imbecilic majority. (For those of you that do not get this, do us all a favor, when they ask you at the DMV if you would like to register to vote, say NO!!!! Save those of us residing outside the borders of Idiot Central the embarrassment of explaining to our non-American friends your stupidity at the polls.)


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