Sunday, September 05, 2004

Short History Lesson For You Gun Totin' Idiots

Once more there is gun violence in an American school and the gun idiots are quick to drag out their time-honored defense for the millions of guns being in the hands of every idiot that wants one. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Come on give me a break! Ask yourself a question, "If the Columbine Two had been carrying switchblades, would we have had the carnage in Colorado two years ago?" But I digress. Let's get to the heart of the matter. Do you, as a regular American imbecile, have the right to own a gun? If you listen to the mouthpieces at the National Rifle Association, not only do you have the right to own a gun, but also you should probably have the right to possess your own personal nuclear device. Too bad this little bit of home knowledge has absolutely nothing to do with a true reading of the U.S. Constitution. Let's take a look at what the Constitution actually says.

Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Okay, take a pause, read it slowly. What does it actually state? (I know that all of your life you have only heard the last two clauses, "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." And that is all the NRA wants you to read.) However, now that you have actually read the entire amendment, what does it actually mean and why is it worded in such a way? (Hint idiots, this is the history lesson that you were told was coming.) At the time of the writing of the Constitution, the United States did not have a standing army. In fact, not until after World War II did we actually keep an army of real size. Because of this neat little fact, anytime we were faced with war, we had to depend on the state militias. (Key phrase there mindless ones, state militias, if you do not understand that, it means that the state has control.) As part of the state militia, a man had to supply HIS own weapon. Thus, it was N-E-C-E-S-S-A-R-Y for each man to possess his own weapon. (Plus, most men hunted their own food, and they needed that single-shot musket for protection since there was very little law enforcement, etc, etc). I know that was pretty fast for some of you but think about it really hard. Got it; then let's proceed to why you do not get that RIGHT of possession.

I will make this is as simple as possible, since I know that most of you find it hard to grasp complex arguments (I know this, because I see your offspring, and the fruit does not fall too far from the tree).

1.We no longer need a well-regulated militia made up of our entire male population as we have the second largest military on the damn planet. Besides, I cannot remember the last time that the government called Joe Bubba and told him to show up with his hunting rifle to help defend the country.

2.Ahem, corner grocery stores have meat departments. 'Nuff (northerners please read "enough") said.

3.And finally, the last time I looked, we are one of the most policed nations in the world. They even catch criminals occasionally.

All of that being said, I believe that should be proof positive that the only reason that every idiot that wants a gun can still get one, is the fact that we have a government led by men with feet of clay. Not a single one of them is willing to stand up and say what desperately needs to be said. The second amendment to the Constitution of the United States is obsolete. Let me spell that for you OBSOLETE! (For you third grade reading levels out there, that means that it is outdated, meaningless, and it should not be looked to as the law of the land since it no longer serves any purpose, other than to supply weapons to fifteen year olds, mentally disturbed adolescents, giving them the means to destroy the lives of those around them.)

Come on people, wake up, inform yourselves, and make your idiot congressman earn your tax dollars!


At September 5, 2004 at 9:08 PM, Blogger Datgruntled said...


Sadly, these people are so set in their ways that no amount of preaching, debating, or bashing of the head with a shovel will make them change their minds.

Being that you're a self-proclaimed "radical liberal", you've probably already seen it... but if you haven't, watch "Bowling for Columbine."

At September 5, 2004 at 10:55 PM, Blogger The Tower Keeper said...

Yes, I saw Bowling for Columbine while I was living in England. It was an experience seeing it through the eyes of non-Amerians. We are seriously seen as a big joke. They can't understand how the American public can so blindly allow stupidity to reign supreme. Not so hard to understand when you take into consideration the ignorance of the American herd.


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