Thursday, September 09, 2004

Why I Listen to Sports Talk Radio.

No matter where you go in the English speaking world, you can find talk radio. I have gotten used to sleeping with it on, driving with it on, working with it on. For years and years I listen to political talk radio and as any American knows, if you listen to political talk radio in the U.S., you're listening to the right wing version of the situation. I had no problem with this. It comes under the heading of knowing your advesary. Most of the time where there was something crazy said, I knew it was satirical and took it as such. Part of the Limbaugh experience (and I'll deny I said something nice about the idiot if pressed) was his wit and satirical commentary. But times have changed.

The more I listened to talk radio, the more strident and over the top the commentary became. It was so bad during the Lewinsky scandal, that I was sure that any day, they were going to accuse President Clinton of kidnapping the Linbergh baby. (I'm sure that Ken Starr has already looked into the connection of the Clinton's to that case already.) It doesn't border the ridiculous, its created a permanent camp there. Last time I heard, it was thinking about settling in and raising a family. The more I listened to the fanatics distort history the more I felt like the biblical hero, seeking at least ONE honest man. The fact that they treated the truth of history worse than Hitler doesn't scare me. It is the reaction of the normal member of the herd that frightens me. They call in to agree with all of the deceit, buying in to the idiocy. Since when did college dropouts become experts in World History, Economics, Religion, etc. Come on!!!! Glenn Beck lasted less tyan a year in college and he's giving commentary on the affectiveness of foriegn policy?!!!! Give me a break!!

So, why do I listen sports talk radio now instead of the political? To protect my fellow inhabitants of the planet from a blind full on rage brought on by listening to false prophets preach their doctrine using lies and half-truths to lead the weak pathetic American herd. Besides, baseball calms the soul and cleanses the mind.


At November 8, 2004 at 11:28 AM, Blogger The Tower Keeper said...

Thank you Michelle, I appreciate the comment. AND with the re-election of the Prince of Fools (the King being Rush Limbaugh) I'm sure that I will have plenty of rant left in me. (Even if I do go work in China.)


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